Scott Douglas’ Terse Bloviation

I’m Just Trying to Help You Out Here

Fiddleheads, yum!

Most people like food and pretty pictures and knowing what day it is. Therefore, what more would they like in their (really big) stocking than a 2009 calendar that features fine-art food photography, seasonal recipes and fun food factoids, the latter scripted by moi? Learn more and buy the abfab calendar here.

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2 Comments so far

  1. Mike Stewart October 12th, 2009 11:38 am

    Wish I had seen this before 2009 was drawing to a close… This would be a perfect gift for someone I know. Will Stacey perhaps be producing a 2010 version of this?

  2. Scott October 12th, 2009 1:31 pm

    No 2010 calendar.