Archive for June, 2009
David Brooks Gross Oversimplification Watch #8
From 6/16/09 column:
1 commentBecause you have a lofty perspective on things, you know there are basically two ways to fix this mess. There is the liberal way, in which the government takes over the health care system and decides who gets what. And then there is the conservative way, in which cost-conscious consumers make choices in the context of a competitive marketplace.
David Brooks Gross Oversimplification Watch #7
From column of 6/5/09:
Comments are off for this postThat means they contain both sides of The Great Tension. In Chicago, there is a tension between the lakefront and the neighborhoods inland. The lakefront tends to be idealistic, earnest and liberal. The neighborhoods are clever, cautious and Machiavellian. In all great endeavors, the Obama administration weaves together both of these tendencies.