Scott Douglas’ Terse Bloviation

Archive for the 'Self Promo' Category

You Definitely Heard it Here First

Look out world! The demo process for the next great band, Reistershell, has begun.

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Recent Podcasts

Stephanie Herbst-Lucke and Magdalena Lewy Boulet.

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Recent Podcasts

Keith Dowling and Stephanie Herbst-Lucke.

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I’m Just Trying to Help You Out Here

Fiddleheads, yum!

Most people like food and pretty pictures and knowing what day it is. Therefore, what more would they like in their (really big) stocking than a 2009 calendar that features fine-art food photography, seasonal recipes and fun food factoids, the latter scripted by moi? Learn more and buy the abfab calendar here.


Recent Podcasts

Amby Burfoot, Kristy Johnston, Ben True.

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So, Anyway…

Hi there. How have you been? You’re looking well. Have you lost weight?

What’s that? What’s up with me? Why, thanks for asking! The near future should include:

  • A turkeyless Thanksgiving at the home of vegetarian friends.
  • Final harvesting of brussels sprouts and sunchokes.
  • My second race in the last 26 months.
  • A weekend in Montreal.
  • A few days with Zola Budd Pieterse for a Running Times story.
  • Publication of the second edition of Advanced Marathoning.
  • Continued daily sits in front of the lightbox to account for the fact that the sun, when it deigns to appear, checks out for the day at about noon.
  • Continued vicarious pleasure in the well-earned success of Stacey’s great 2009 wall calendar.

How about yourself?

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